Uuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh! I just finished cleaning up and organizing my CC... I am sooooo exhausted. I figured it was time to get everything together because it was a mess before. Now I have categories *Does categories dance* i'll explain to you how it's done later...
I have a Patterns, Hacks, Clothes, Skin, Hair, and Other folder. I have soooooooooo much junk... It's a shame, but i am relieved I finally decided to do it. It takes so little to make me happy xD
BUT another really great thing I am excited about is... I got this great college offer! Scholarships, free admission fee, all that great stuff that now my family doesn't have to pay for! Also, I fit the admission requirements and my SAT score was beyond what they considered for admission. I think I really might go there if they accept me! It's a private university in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, US. Cross your fingahs for me por favor!
Well that's really all I wanted to talk about today
My name is Coyadre
and you've just been dre'd in...
( Sxe Phil reference for you all xD )
Casanova Expanded - Unofficial Kit addon with 14 edits and 4 New items
The latest kits are a cool concept; basing the theme on an iconic
character. However, splitting the budget between CAS and BB items leaves BB
lacking (C...
6 days ago
Yay for organization..and phil ;D
And good luck with the university, I'm sure you'll get in :)
Thanks :D
If I got in i'd be the happiest person ever!
I still need to organize my CC xD
Congratulations about the college offer. The best thing you can do is look up tons and tons of scholarships, you'd be surprised how many there are and how many you can get. People don't take advantage of everything that is offered, but it helps a ton when you only owe the school a couple of thousand as opposed to hundreds of thousands after you finish college.
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