Well here's even more proof to that fact... I have played the same day with him 3 times now... 3 TIMES!
I know you probably don't understand what I mean by this so let me explain. Last night (Saturday night for those who read this after Sunday) I was playing with him. I had actually had the game up ALL day saving it and minimizing it to do other internet stuff and go to the market and all that jazz. It was about 7:30 when I went to save again, but it was different this time. Instead of taking the normal minute or so I left it for 2 hours! 2 hours... I waited for a half an hour, took a shower, waited more, went to pick my grandmother up from work and it was STILL saving. After all that I said f*** it (or forget it, for the G rated eyes and ears) and task managered it away :'(
I think I had lost 2 whole days. I had throw a party, did some concerts, did some autograph signing, purchased the salon thingy, collected my money from all the business that he owns :'(

Sad sad times... I stopped playing for the night. So this morning I was over it (I wasn't that sad... Some of you may not know but i'm extraordinarily sarcastic.) I started up my little game clicked Mitcha's save thingy and waited while listening to some "Auto-Tune The News" (AKA the best thing on this planet) Mitcha was sleeping and it was Saturday afternoon (in sim time) He had apparently threw a party so I finished that up, went to do some concerts and autograph signing like I did last night (or Saturday Night in real time.) But when I got him home I saw his house had a cool room thing on top. I was gonna put stairs to it but I couldn't so then I got the great idea to make him a basement hangout for his party goers... Bad idea. I click on the basement thing and low and behold, youtube it staring me in the face T_T
Wow. This game really wants me to hate it. So what do I do then? I pick up the pieces AGAIN, and start over from that day. This is the third time i've had to play this day. But like I always say, Mitcha is my favorite sim ever so i'm dealing with it xS
But anyway, happy thoughts!
Here is Mitcha about to, wait a minute... I wanted
to clear this up because I feel like the spelling of
his name is misleading because the pronunciation of
it is kinda different. Therefore for all of you who
didn't know or even cared... Mitcha's name is
pronounced (Mee-ch-uh) Now that we have that
out of the way...
Here is Mitcha about to woohoo a sim that has
red hair... just like Chocolaty Chocolate, or "Westie"
(But mostly Chocolaty Chocolate!) It's not you
though, you are too faithful to Gropie!

This is Mitcha's mom. She's kinda irrelevant but
here she is anyway :P

Mitcha gave a ghost an autograph. Awesomez!?

He also went to France. This is the only picture
I took while he was tomb raiding.

Also. He's back to his natural roots. He looked
like too much of a tool with blonde hair xD

Redheads are win and Gropie is DA BOMB.
I'm guessign you like that username more than the other one?
What username!?
You always make me so confused xP
Nevermind :P
Anyway... I need to introduce you and Mitcha xD
I will not be swayed!!!!
hmmm... if you say so xP
Give me your best shot. . .
I might not have to. Mitcha has a mind of his own sometimes...
Gropie has a fashion sense of his own too
I have noticed. Mitcha is pretty tame... but he doesn't like shoes xD
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