P.S. I'm sorry if your sim doesn't look the way you may have liked.
I tried ;)
YES!! This is like teh best cereal evar!
(Strange, loud, obnoxious kicks on the door)
*sigh* Not this again...
I'm coming! Please don't knock down my door this time you idiot!
Hey CD! Hows you life goin!
How many times do I have to tell you not to call me
CD "ADD Atom"?
Watev... So why are there tears on your little girl sweater?
It was half off gosh!
The applicants for the roomate position were supposed to come
today... no one showed up...
You mean all these random meat bags standing in your front yard?
I thought they were yard ornaments or something
Wait.. wa!?
So that's what's been keeping me up at night.
They came they really really came!!!
I gotta go set up!! Make them feel at home... You do it all the time!
Ay Ay Capitán!
A couple minutes later...
So, Mr. MummyGaGa or Jake... Why would you make a good
roomie for me!?
Woah wait!? Where's Lady GaGa!? Your add said she'd be here!
Umm... yeah about that... She's in the ceiling singing!
She'll be down after the night is over okay!
*Whispering *
Atom! Put some GaGa on!!!
*whispering back*
I'm trying to pick of this chick!!!
Just do it!!!
Well... ok... I'd make a good roomie because
-We are both lady gaga fans!
-I can speak in Spanish
-I will give you a mummification free pass!
-I can hack for extra money!
-I will give you a bunch of mummy snacks
-I will be the best roommate you can ever have
Hey Coyadre!
Hey Vanilija!
Thank you Jake!
So... Why would you be a good roomie!?
Well... I am ambitious, that means more money for the rent!
I am responsible, no more landlord knocking on the door
because the rent isn't paid. And I am fun, who would want
a boring roommate?
Okay, I would make a good roomie because
I enjoy eating cake and can share some with you!
I'll give you money by painting.
And i'll run up your electricity bill...
wait, I shouldn't have said that, should I?
Thank you for that Dolphinz and Vanilija, very interesting
roomies you 2 would make!
So Usergino, or Tiffany, why would you make a good
roommate for muah!?
I would be a good room mate because
I'm pretty
I like to party
I'm fashionable
I'm nice
And i'm rich!
Ok... I'll definitely consider those things!
Now, Ms. Chocolaty Chocolate, why should I choose you?
I don't have to answer that question! You know why!
Ohh... Do I?
Give me some specific reasons!
I deserve to be your roommate because. . . .
I'm fun to talk to. We share a common sense of humor.
I am a good dancer. I am witty. Sarcasm. We both love
Chelsea Lately and The Soup. If you don't I'll steal
all your cookies, like a ninja. My computer is awesome.
The sky is blue. I broke a rubix cube. And I love you!
Not in a creepy way!
Ok ok! Calm down calm down! I understand.
I shall ponder on these reasons.
Ohh Heyy Coyadre!
Ohh it's Rayy! I haven't talked to you in like forevarz!
Yeah but if I were your roomie you could talk to me every day!
I would be a good roommate because I am, um fun and random.
And will make you laugh. She will help clean up too...
I don't really know what to say, I hope I said enough!
Ok RayRayy! Naw Fire, tell me why!?
Fire would never be as cool of a roommate as me!
Don't listen to Rayyyyy! She be crazy!
I would be good because I glomp you allllll the time,
AND I think you're thuper duper awesome and I am rich *wink wink*
Thank you 2! Now I want to hear from TheRealDeal!
Well i'd be a good roommate because I've known you for a pretty long time.
Remember the thread when I helped you stop boolprop fed yourself? Good times, right? I think you are funny and pretty cool. That's all I can come up with!
Pick her CD Pick HER!
Last but not least you Simcrazy, why would you be a good roomie?
OOh, I'd make a good roommate because I'm a vegetarian like you
and I am awesome... Like you!
Woah Woah Woah! That means you might steal all my
I kid I kid!
Alright people... Interviews are over!
(Nobody leaves)
OMFG! GTFO people!
Where is Lady GaGa! You lied to me!!!
Calm down buddy. She's outside! If you run fast
enough you can probably catch her!
Go to her Jake... Go to her...
(Later that night)
I have some people in mind Atom!
Look you meat bag! You better pick RealDeal!
Or I will never ever talk to you again!
Maybe that would be a good thingy... buddy...
Or maybe i'll just destroy you and make her my goddess and make
your beloved home our castle of destruction where we shall rule
teh world!
Ummm... I've got some thinking to do... i'll be in my room
(with the door dead bolted)
(The next day)
I know who I must choose!
Let me just put the number in and...
Hello who am I speaking to?
(Mummbling phone voice)
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1 week ago
I lol'ed at the Jake freaking out over Gaga part. xDD
Why must you make these cliffhangers?! :'[ :p
Ohh Firestar, you should've known :P
*Shakes Fist*
I apologize
It's okay :P
aw man i wasnt even in this ):
i love that part about the gaga part!
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