In the background he could see Michael with a gun to his head also, blocked into an armchair. Marianella's grandmother was not dead.

Mira hombrito, a mi me toca esta vez!
(Look little man, it's my turn this time)

Por por que!? Nunca te hice mal! Te ame, te amo!
(For for what!? I've never done you wrong! I loved you, I still love you!)

Ayy Abuelita, escuche a que me esta diciendo! No me hagas reír!
(Ohh Grandmother, listen to what he is saying! Don't make me laugh)

The grandmother didn't look over to her overly excited grandchild; she continued studying Michael's face with her handgun.

No no Maria! Por favor perdóname! Perdóname por las veces que te di golpes, por las veces que te abuse! Perdóname Maria!
(No no Maria! Please forgive me! Forgive me for the times that I hit you, for the times that I abused you! Forgive me Maria!

Pero no entiendes, no es porque te voy a matar.
(But you don't understand, that's not why i'm going to kill you)

Por tanto dime amor! Dime... pensé que me amaras!
(Then tell me my love! Tell me... I thought you loved me

Finally Marianella's grandmother was shocked enough by what was happening to look over at the two bickering, much like Michael. It seemed as if this were not a part of their plan.

Mira puta! No me vas a matar tan facil!
(Look b#&^%! Your not gonna kill me so easily!)

Bueno! A ver!
(Okay! Lets see!

*A gun shot fired*

Michael's eyes widened with bewilderment, he was in instant fear of his life.

He began to feel nauseous, and before anything else could happened, he passed out

Everything went black, but in an instant, Michael realized where he was and how he got there.

Oooooh...this is getting gooood... :D
Hehe thanks Cel XD
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