But anyway the idea for this family was a rich elderly couple with a resident in-house butler. I came up with Marty, Gladis, and Gregorio.

So, Who's ready for back-story time!?
I am!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so Marty Greene (The old man) is a very important politician in the Sim community. He has made a career out of being kind, generous, and giving to the people. He is well liked and popular with many. Gladis Greene is of course Marty's wife. She is a former teacher, but now spends her days reading, drinking only the finest nectars, reminiscing with old friends, and the thing she is best at, being rude. Gladis is a very head-strong individual. She is always right and is better than everyone else. She loves to let this be known to, Gregorio La'quia, their butler, a 19 year old former drifter born to French immigrants. He on the other hand was born in Twinbrook. Gregorio has been working for the family since he was about 17 years old and looks at them almost as a family considering he doesn't have one of his own. Marty and Gladis don't know much about Gregorio but he is very obedient and helpful to the Greenes' in their old age. Marty treats Gregorio like son while he is treated more like a lap dog by Gladis. She also pretends she can't understand him when he mispronounces things due to his almost completely inaudible French accent. Despite this he still treats her like he treats Marty, like a parent. The three live in a 3 bed room Mansion in Sunset Valley.

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