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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lenny Masterson

This is Lenny, one of my favorite sims I have ever made!

Lenny is a man child. He dreams of having lots of money
but does nothing for himself. He is a mooch, always asking
his brother for spare change. He is quite inappropriate and
acts like a child most of the time, although he enjoys partying
and flirting as well !

DL Link - http://www.mediafire.com/?9zra5vp6cqp2sad

Skin - Subaxi
Hair - Peggy (Donation)
Top - ulker (TSR)
Bottom - Random Noir (Garden of Shadows)
Shoes - Myos (ShoesHightop002)
Tattoos - Vedic (MTS2)
Sliders - Jonha


awesome_phoebe said...

I love him <3

Hugzies said...

if i dont have the sliders will he crash my game?

Coyadre said...

No, it shouldn't. And he shouldn't look too different.

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