I still make sims and move them into the neighborhood but
he is the only one I find interesting enough to play over and
over. Must be because
1, he's a rock star -
2, he's the town *whore* so to speak (Which is always fun)
3, he's like one of my first sims ever xD
He's just so hilarious to play with... He is guaranteed entertainment!

He makes funny faces ;D

I figured he needed new hair. How's that for style!

I did change it this morning. And he was also given some
plastic surgeries if you couldn't tell. I made his face more
heart shaped and I made his bright eyes darker! Now he
doesn't look like a serial killah!

He also rides a motorcycle. How cool right. I love that face.
I wish simmie's hair would blow in the wind... Sims 4? :(

I have noticed that Creepiness is attracted to him.
Creepiness is that guy's name... He is creepy.

But I did give him a simple little make-over. Isn't "it" just
gorgeous? *Cough*Sarcasm*Cough*

The maid has also developed a very unhealthy attraction
to my poor little Mitcha. When ever there is a love groupie
over he get's jealous and stares... Poor maid guy :(
He can be seen here creepily staring at him while he sleeps
and dreams of not getting engaged.

Mitcha then woke up and after he made the bed he did
that weird creepy smile thing.

Mitcha: Do. Not. Want!

I gave Mitch another "make-ova" earlier... Just imagine him with TONS of tattoos and shorter "emo" like blonde hair :P
Oh my *Religious Figure* I love him
(As a sim... not for real cuz if it were for real... that'd be pretty weird... Ya know...)
Mitcha is so adorable :P
Where did you get that American Eagle shirt for him?!?!
Thanks Phoebe!
And Fire!!! I got it from Skysims.net
I would've just linked it for you but it wouldn't work right... It's on page 10 xD
( Yes I went to look that up for you ;P )
I love Mitcha, very cool. And I agree, I always seem to go back to one sim when I play.
Thank youuu! :D
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