I was getting ready for a date, a date my Aunt Trici didn't know about. I didn't expect for her to allow me to go, but we were gonna have to have that argument that night. It was my last day of summer, and I WAS going to hang out with Jake.

I had already upset my auntie 100 time over since the summer began. I had lost weight, got a tattoo on my arm, dyed my hair blond, started talking to boys, and stopped helping her clean houses.

She would always say "I don't even know why I bother bringing ya wannabe high saditty ass! All you do is stand around and b!%^#!"

She may have been right, but I didn't know any better back then. Daddy always treated me like a princess.

She gave me "the look" At any minute things were gonna blow up.

"I'm going out tanite" I said, not demanding nor questioning.

"And who told, you that? I know not ya fatha? You've got school morrow and it's gettin late!"

"I did as my father, he said it was ok" I was still calm

"Excuse me!? You know ya fatha is in no predicament to be makin decisions like that for you or for imself! And what do you have on child!?

"What is that supposed to mean" I was angry now. "My father is my legal gardian! He can make all the decisions he wants" I knew I was wrong, but I always defended my father.

"He may be your father but whoz payin these bills? Whoz workin everydey? Who buys you every thang you've got?"

I didn't have a smart little come back that time.

She turned from me calling out to my father who was was standing a few feet away.

"Paul did you tew that girl she could go out tanite?"

"Well I am er father Trici! I can make decision, i'm not slow!"

"Paul, she has school tomorrow! You know I trust you, but you are goin through some stuff. I don't want you stressin ya self out."

Suddenly the door bell rung

Aunt Patricia went to answer.

She opened the door, "the look" was in full effect

There he stood, Jake. He was going to be a Senior, even though i'm only going to 10th grade. He had the biggest blue eyes and the greatest smile. I was hoping he would ask me out that night.

My aunt stepped out onto the porch with him (probably telling him in her polite voice that I wasn't able to see him tonight) but you never know with her.

I wouldn't let her win though. I stepped outside and told Jake to come on.

He didn't know what to do.

I ran back into the house to my father, teary eyed.

"Why does she feel like she has to control my life!? I mean, your my dad! Not her!"

"Look on the bright side kiddo! You can hang out with anyone you want to tomorrow!" He would always say "look on the bright side, at least you can" to cheer me up.
He was legally blind and was losing his vision little by little.

Yeah but dad, you can't keep letting her make decisions for you!

Aunt Trici walked in; melancholy.

"Sometimes I don't know what to do with you..." he said with his eyes closed.

"Look sweety. I know your upset, but you have school tomorrow and it's gettin late. I told em you two can do what ever on Fridey."

"So you mean he is gone?"

"Yes, you'll see em tomorrow"

"You know what!?" I said hastily

My father walked over toward the door, looking halfway out the window.

"I'm sick of you always making these decisions for me like your my mother! You're not my mother! My mother is white! Your NOT! Stop getting yourself confused! I know you'd like to be, but your NOT!"

"Well i'm sorry you feel that way hon, but the fact remains the same. You might as well go down that hall pick yourself out something to wear for tomorrow and go to bed."

I stood, staring at her hatefully.

You're not hurting me sweet heart... Go on.

I guess father had enough, he walked out the door

I followed. Now, a part of me wishes I hadn't.

I stood looking at my father shocked, I gasped. He didn't turned around and didn't stopped walking.

"Not again" I said "Not again"
I began to cry.

1 comment:
I really liked this :) Really cool
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