Has anyone heard of the place!?
I'm a vegan so there isn't much there I can eat... but they have amazing french fries! And they have peanuts too!
*French fries and peanuts french fries and peanuts do the french fries and peanuts the french fries and peanuts do the french fries and peanuts the french fries and peanuts!*
*Clears throat* Excuse me.
But anyway... have you ever been there? I think it's a nifty little place that sells 2 of my favorite foods... French fries and peanuts...
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6 days ago
I've been there before! There is one like 15 min. from my house but I haven't been to that one yet
I've been there before. I hate hamburgers and am not that much of a fan of hot dogs, so there isn't much to eat for me there either. xD They do have good fries though.
Whoa your a vegan? I don't know many people that are. I was vegetarian for quite awhile but I just didn't get enough iron and my meals were limited, cause I wasn't into the whole beans and lentils thing. Well I try to make sure that the animals weren't like tortured when made into the meat, or forced like with chickens and stuff.
@Phoebe - I actually find a lot of people tried being vegetarian at some point in their life, I guess it's like a bucket list thing :P
It's funny cause like none of my friends in real life have ever been vegetarian *rolls eyes*. But most come from like "AUSSIE BRO BBQ RULES" type families aka Bogans. Not saying my friends are bogans but with them it's like, how could you not like meat!
Just curious, how long have you been vegan?
I've been a vegan for about 2 and a half yeard... Now you have me thinking, are you Australian!?
Not that that's a problem :P
Wait... Never mind.
I don't think I ever knew that until now :P
Lol yeah, I'm Australian :P
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