So what do we do when we haven't updated our blog in a while and have nothing interesting to talk about?
We show random sim pictures that I took recently.
I made a new sim, her name is Bri. I noticed I
lacked Black women in my neighborhood, so
I figured i'd spruce up the diversity a bit.

I really like her, she feisty, but I hate how dark
sim seem splotchy. If only I had a better video
card *depressed sigh*

I also gave my favorite sim ever a make-over.
Mitcha is so awesome xD

Hide your *legal aged* kids.

Hide your *legal aged* wife. lolz

I also made-over Thorton or however you spell
the guy's name! I didn't cheat though! The only
thing I did to his face was make it wider!

Then this happened... It not what it looks like...
or maybe it is!? I just found it rather lol worthy xD
His face is so priceless X']

I'm curious to see why you have an fat hairy man in your game Coyadre *gives freaked out stare*
Because, I love stuff like that! Not hairy large men... but weird wacky stuff :P
I get so many ideas from people I see/met in life and I take things from them and make sims! Thus, there is a fat hairy man living in the neighborhood!
(I live in America, there are tons of them)
That was harsh *snickers*
Lol :P I see your point.
Seriously, i've made sooooooooo many sims that no one's ever seen before. I don't even think i've shown off a fraction of my odd little simmies xP
You should show them! To me :P Trust me, I have some pretty weird sims. I barely show any of my sims actually now that I think about it o_O
Bed intruder reference :P XD
But of course!
He looks like someone I know who would be a bed intruder too D: XD
Ohh man... Scary *Scared Face*
I'm glad I don't know any potential bed intruders xO
The school personality and attitude pool sucks here. I fit nowhere eaither :/ :D
I blame the above typo on typewriting class.
Oh you go to 1 of "those" schools?
I find the people at my school interesting. It's basically a bunch of local surfer kiddies mixed with city kids from the north mixed with some of the local red-necks.... with some Black people, Hispanics, and 2 Asians thrown in for "fun"
I fit no where in the personality or attitude pool xP
Literally... There is no one like me, but that's why i'm so awesomez right!? :D
We have a rather high percent of emo and goth, though I have nothing wrong with it, there are over 50 at our one school. Other school are, like, 5. With all the grades. And then the skaters. Blegh. And the sluts. Stuck up bimbos. The athletics. NOT ME. The socially ackward group. Very sad and frightening.
I fit with the animal activist/wants to become a lion girl and the completely obscene one who is so totally random. You have to like her even though she's insane. The gossip is AMAZING though.
I'd be hard to fit me into anything. Such an oddity, mature like a 20 year old, smart like a 25 year old, sarcastic, artistic. Most simmers are loners.
Our ethnic kids are wierd. The african-americans are REALLY african-american, the chinese and korean and such are in the smart above level classes, but dumb as bricks! And hispanics, the ones I know, are either cool or annoying.
Yes you are so totally awesomez. -End Rant XD XP
At my school there is a very thin line between "emo" and "normal" XP
I basically can fall in with anyone. I hang with some jocks, some gothy kids, some Black kids, some Hispanic kids, but I don't know any of the Asians (That is unless you consider Indians Asian, which I do not.)
I guess the moral of the story is; Coyadre is multifaceted when it comes to hanging with people! I also think i'm kinda up there in the maturity/smartness factor. People basically look at me as "the smartest Black kid ever" yea. That's my title... although i'm not "nerdy" so to speak, I just know how to use my brain :P
I can fit in with most, but I chose not to, mostly because I like my lonerness. I really don't like people getting in my face or being really forward. I tend to lash back.
I have five different personalities XD.
You would be the cool one in the back of the crowd that became somebody great and they never expected it.
Why do I get a picture of you in a leatherback chair with tea going mmhmm mmhmm?
I think I have 4 *Checks* yep, 4.
I'm always in the back *purposely* I stay out of all the drama and stupid stuff that is a high school. If people talk about me, f them and move on ya know!?
People tend to not "F with me" because i'm 6'2 and I look very intimidating so i've been told :D
And yes, I can see that same vision. i'm always giving out advice now! I remember last school year I stopped a fight like a Jedi or something xD
Well it was a 1 sided fight so it wasn't a difficult task.
That would be intimidating. I'm only 5'4", 5'5" So swing at there knees and run! ;)
High school hardly matters in the scheme life.
Internal conflict? Was it you? * Contemplates Dre yelling into mirror*
Well you're taller than my 21 year old cousin :P
She's about 4'10... oh my tiny little/big cousin xD
I hate looking in the mirror, it's creepy. Their like weird portals :O
I usually just stare myself in the eyes for several moments. Tis why I have no soul :'(
Bloody mary nightmares?
I am the tallest one in my family :) We're short people.
I've read many stories where people go into mirrors. Don't worry they always get rescued.
I'll probably get taller. Maybe 5'6"? Till then if a certain someone(not you) starts bragging about finally being a little taller than me, she can just find out how hard I can really hit.
Violence oh violence :O :P
I'm not the tallest sadly... 1 of those complicated cousins that is your cousin because their parent is your parent's 1st cousin is taller than me... Is that a second cousin!?
Get some platforms :D ;)
definitely, because they're so in style these days.
Why can't I spell definitely correctly ever!?
There there. Practice makes perfect!
I've been practicing since I was in 7th grade... x(
You can do it Dre!
Better than text talk :D
Possibly *Ponders and nods head*
You have a bobblehead from all that nodding XD
Well from the looks of it 95% of a psychiatrist's job is to ponder and nod... Just gettin some practice in.
And. . .how does that make you feel?
Like a woman!?
I had to say that :P
I'm assuming you've heard that song before...
Yes. Do you know Part of White World?
No, I do not know part of White World... Is that a real place XP
It's a song. . . .^_^
Wait! I do know that song! I know it I know it xD
I want to be where the white people are!!!!!
Wanna see, see their off-beat dancing. . !
I love her... I think I spend way too much time on youtube... *-*
Just a smidge . . . .;)
It's not my fault youtube is teh awesomez... That sounded so stupid :P
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