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Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Chronicles of my day

So, like always, to tell you about my wondrous little day in Coyadre land :D

hmm... or maybe not.

Well, since were already here I might as well. I'm really trying to... nevermind.
Anyway. Today I went to go do the single greatest thing evar! School shopping :D


It might just be me... but I hate school shopping. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.
So with that said.... It started with a 20 minute excursion to this huge stupid "sell all" type store for old people. My grandma and mother (the 2 I was stuck driving around all day) love it there so I was forced. I don't really mine it there. But they take forever... Even though I did get some yummy vegan friendly Doritos from the place :P

So then it was off to the mall. Fun times, fun times. Lets just say I also hate the mall. Me and my mother fought over clothes to buy the whole time. She wants me to dress differently than I do. My style is kind of a mixture of a casual emo indie rocking hipster. Interesting...? possibly.

But she does kinda like my funky style, I like to "stick out" as they call it. And believe me. I do. I got a Shane Dawson shirt! I shall rock it when I go back to... school.

So anyway, the mall was terrible. I've been looking for some cool high top shoes like those ones by Myos that I always use on mis simmies.

*Omg a bug just fell out of the sky*

They're all so expensive though xS

This bothers me. But I really like that shirt. Shane is awesome.

I also believe I have road rage. People's crazy driving around here bothers me. Blah.

Are sick of my life yet?

Moral of the story is... Today was not great.
But I got to hang out with my Abuelita, and she's pretty cool imo!

Later I came home and took pictures. I am still pressed about not having my lip piercing. Hopefully with a bit of persuasion I can get it back in 2 weeks :D

Do you see the stupid hole in my lip.
I cry myself to sleep over it...
I hope you didn't believe that XP

hehe *serious face/narrow eyes*



Emily said...

I want a T-shirt with my name on it. :(

Coyadre said...

Well get yourself a youtube account a go crazy!!!

Or just get 1 made.

Emily said...

I live in the middle of nowhere. You go crazy

Coyadre said...

But I don't want my name on a shirt :P

Ooooooohhhhhh you got told son! XP

Bree said...

In my view family shopping is to be avoided at all costs. I know what you mean about your mother & grandmother... oh god they take foreverrrr! It's like grr just get what you need then let's leave. lol rant. Anyway. Cool that you have a lip piercing! I didn't know that.

Emily said...

Shush Boy. Don't make me get the make-up kit.

Coyadre said...

hmmm, that would be interesting. :O

Coyadre said...

@Peace - That is so true.But i'm use to it. I've been going through it for years now. The family that shops together stays together I suppose :D

awesome_phoebe said...

Damn I want one of those T-shirts. They don't sell good stuff in Australia and I can't order stuff over the internet D:

Coyadre said...

They don't!? Yea they do! They sell... Australian stuff... :D

awesome_phoebe said...

Stuff is more expensive in Australia, it sucks DX

But I'm going to China next year so I'm probably going to buy all this crap that I don't even need lol. And hopefully it's cheap :P

Coyadre said...

You're going to China :O

I want to visit Asia at least once in life!

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