Hello everyone! I was just dropping in here on my blog. Obviously I haven't been as active as I use to be on here in a while. I've been living my life a little bit. I'm moving in a week or so to attend college. I'm also helping take care of my sister who will be a month old in a few days. I've also been enjoying the sims more recreationally opposed to creating and uploading things like sims, stories, buildings, etc.
So yea just wanted to let y'all know =]
I'll probably upload something later this week!
Casanova Expanded - Unofficial Kit addon with 14 edits and 4 New items
The latest kits are a cool concept; basing the theme on an iconic
character. However, splitting the budget between CAS and BB items leaves BB
lacking (C...
6 days ago
Glad to hear you're still alive ;)
Yea i'm still here =]
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