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Sunday, April 1, 2012

The continued Chronicles of Mitcha.

Well things are getting sticky now...

It all started with some sim on Servo lovin'...
Mitcha being the love aspirating sim he is, is willing to woohoo with anything, so when he got a freshly made servo, things got a bit interesting. Much to Servo's disdain, Mitcha was smitten (As pictured above)

But with a little buttering up, Servo came around

Just looks at the metal frame and that shiny finish!

Then stuff got really...

By this point the feeling was rather mutual.

Later that evening for what ever reason, I thought it would be interesting to see how Servo would react to hot tubing. This is that reaction. I kinda knew this would happen, but curious minds need to know for sure.

Due to his noble nature, Mitcha was prepared to repair Servo, an electrical magnet, soaking wet after getting out of a hot tub, with minimal mechanical skill... This ought to be hilarious.

I told you so.


Well atleast he didn't die ;D

I just wanted to mention, if while playing the Sims 2 you never had a Servo, you made the right decision. These things are quite possible the most annoying bastard creatures to ever be put in a sims game. He was always breaking down, he didn't take care of himself, he would run amok in my house causing sleepless nights, and all the while he was virtually impossible to get rid of. Even when I put him at the bottom of this here late he would always find a way to re manifest himself!!! Damn you Servo! I'm so glad I had Rodney's death creator to kill him with. I don't regret my decision.


Emily said...

So a Servo's a needy girlfriend?

Coyadre said...

I guess you could say that... =\

Emily said...

Good to know :)

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