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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Joseph Pang

This is Joseph.

Joseph is a mild-manner sim who aspires to
be a surgeon. He is a genius and is very neat.
He is also a vegetarian. Other than that Joseph
is a friendly sim destine for greatness!

DL Link - http://www.mediafire.com/?v2j21wbkdjheqcn

Skin - Subaxi
Hair - Peggy (Donation)
Top - TSR
Bottom - Club Crimsyn (The Big Empty - 4th from bottom)
Sliders - jonha (MTS2)


卑弥呼 said...

cuddles with him. hehe! He looks so nice like he could be your best friend or something. <3 There's always room for more. Especially when comes to your sims <3

Coyadre said...

Aww thanks XD

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