"The Unusual Life of Coyadre"
Coyadre! RealDeal guess what!!!!

My parents are coming to visit!

I'm so happy I could just get naked and cry!

Oh god please don't!

Frick... It's Sunday...
My mom was supposed to come today...

Look at this sexy lady I found outside!


Did you hear that, I should go get the door

Hello! My name is Pollination Technician 9!

-Hi, i'm Johnny and this is Birth Queen 245!
-Nibblenamnuhotpocket!? Gamabamdueatyourface!

I hope it's not too late to get that apartment with Firestar!

(My Crappy Theme Song Starts Playing)
*It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life!
It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life yea!
He's so normal but his life's so weird
And he has, a super cool beard!
His best friend is an alien
When will this strange life end!
It's Coyadre's life yea
It's Coyadre's life yea
Umm Coyadre... We've got a problem to deal with...

Ohhh why can't she just love me!? Is it the green skin?
The shaggy hair? The abnormal height?

I'm sure it's none of that... She just needs time
to umm... get use to you and such...

And remember what I told you. You have
to think human...

That thing you were telling me about where you
guys do that thing, then she does that chant, and
then you do that other thing... Very unhuman...

Look, I thought RealDeal would've really liked that!

Oh God please put your clothes on is not a
phrase of endearment on this planet...
Just try being more... human! Like that
experiment I tried on you that one time!

Ok, ok! I'm all done
Look at me!

But I don't wanna!

-I have an ice cream cone
-Ouuuh can I take it for a walk!?!?!

Ohhh.... maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

Well... just... um, hey look a banana!

Ugh... Bananas don't even intrest me anymore.
Real Deal is the only thing that can make me happy.

Well anyway, yes DealReal!?

Oh how cute! Good thing I wasn't dying over here
while you cuddle up your little alien baby!

You don't look happy, what's the matter?
Are you ok?

No, Atom sad...

Ohh I think I can fix that

*Sexy Music Starts to Play!*

Look RealDeal, just calm down...

How can I calm down!? I live in a mad house!

Why yes, yes you do!

And this is ok with you why...?
There are freakin mutant creatures outside...
One of which I believe threatened to "eatmyface"
how can you be ok with that?

Oh Really Deally, you just overact so much silly!

Hello my name is Co...

oh good ***** ******* ***** ********* *****
What the HELL!?

I think i'm gonna be sick... for what i've seen,
cannot be unseen...
*Throws up in mouth a little*

What the hell RealDeal!? You could've told me
there were fackin mutant creatures out there!

I believe I did... But I figured since you're a mutant creature
whisperer or something you could've understood them!

Well um... uhh uhh...
But Atom doesn't even look like that...
And I thought he was odd looking...

Wait, RealDeal has an idea, maybe we should just get Atom
to answer the door, I mean, he is a freaky alien too...
I guess...

That's a worse idea than that one time I invited
Grimmy to my birthday party!

Ohh... Um... Hey CD, great party! Um... BYE!

Where is the slimy green bastard?

That's a good question.
And where did my mom go?


Woah... is this yelling necessary?


Oh hey you guys! What's goin on!?

Wow... isn't that just... cute...

*Screams from around the world inserted here*

Uhh,... yea! I got em just for you girl!

This shall be most entertaining!

Atom... please don't tell me you got those from where
I think you got those...

Hello, would you happen to have any

You breka you bi bich!

Duh! Ebay, where everyone gets their sexypants
from! Right?

Atom, my mother was in that room with you
wasn't she...

Ummm... Nowaitmaybehuhummm... Yes?

That's totally messed up, and I kill people for a living!

You know what Atom!?!?! Real Deal was soooo right about you!


I mean I let you stay here free of charge, and you
treat me with zero respect!
*I let you get away with everything
*You insult me
*You threaten me
*And now your wearing woman's underwear that I have
very good reason to believe aren't yours!

Well I didn't exactly say all that did I....?

You know what Atom... I think you should just
go... This friendship is over...

Wait but why!?
Is it because I used all the toilet paper again...?

Ohh my... what have I done?

Poor Atom D:
And does your mum know about the thing with her and Atom? xD
lol what she doesn't know won't hurt her hehe
But seriously, yesh, I told her she was in the story, she has a good sense of humor :P
Nooo, poor Atom. :[
I can't wait to write my season finale Wednesday x]
Lmao! I think I love Atom :P
Everybody loves Atom... That should be a spin-off show :P
I had my blog up and my grandma walked by and said
"Why is he hugging that green woman"
In reference to the pic where i'm comforting Atom :P
Ohh grandma xD
Aw, I feel bad about Atom. D: I'm sowwy Atom... lol xD
Aww Finale today :(
Nuus D:
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