"The Unusual Life of Coyadre"
you don't have to pay rent
anymore, so you don't need little old me anymore!

I would be so devastated if she left

But if she left i'd kill you, and that always makes me feel better!

Well you know, I like you, I mean not like that, but I like
having you here. You... um.. yea..

What do ya say!?

Well, I guess so...

I.... I am.... BACK!
I'm back!

He's just drunk. It doesn't take much to get Aliens drunk.

Atom. Are you drunk?

Why... Why would you ahh me... ahh me that... CD?


(My Crappy Theme Song Starts Playing)
*It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life!
It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life yea!
He's so normal but his life's so weird
And he has, a super cool beard!
His best friend is an alien
When will this strange life end!
It's Coyadre's life yea
It's Coyadre's life yea
You know Coyadre, this is some really amazing cereal!
I thought you were crazy at first but it's pretty great!

I know right, and it's Atom-less this time!

Wait... What!?

Oh nothing... I didn't say anything!

Coyadre! You can't just keep letting him get
away with these things. He's smarter than
you think! I mean, he's a complete idiot...
but still!

I mean does he even have a real home or does
he always come back here!? I found him in my
bed once! I didn't bother him because I was
afraid he'd snap my neck or something...

That's actually a good question!

I don't even understand why he calls us
meatbags... Isn't he made of meat too?

Umm idk. I've never thought about these things RealDeal!
Atom is just.... Atom, a murderous, drunken, idiotic, green, alien
from... Where ever the hell he's from!

Maybe we should cut him open!
Have you ever even seen him bleed!?
Just thinking about his green slimy skin
gives me chills. I bet his blood is like 90
percent alcohol and 10 percent metal.
Have you seen him eat!?

You should just give him a try, you 2 would make
cute little alien babi-ehhm-I mean friends!
Cute little friends, yep you 2 sure would!

Wow that wasn't awkward or anything Coyadre...
I just don't know... He's so strange... and slimy...

Coyadre! RealDeal guess what!!!!

See, I told you he was slimy!

Shh RealDeal, he can hear us!
Yes Atom?

My parents are coming to visit!

He has parents?

Beats me!?

I'm so happy I could just get naked and cry!

Oh god please don't!

Atom, we agreed there'd be no more of that...
And you-WAIT. What day is today!?

Frick... It's Sunday...
My mom was supposed to come today...

*Super Alien Gasp*
Mama Coyadre is coming!?!?!
Ohh I must break our promise for this occasion!

Chinga a mi vida...

That's the doorbell! I hope it's her!

You do realize this is gonna be the best day of my
life right RealDeal?

Look at this sexy lady I found outside!

Umm... i'm not going to get involved in this one...


Well... Let's just hope Atom can control his... self.

Hola mama, how are you!?

Hey RealDeal, you look great and umm... non-meatbaggy today...
Like, I mean it! And I just wanna let you know, like you definitely
always come before Mama Coyadre... Like forever... just saying you know!?

Sweet. Thanks.

Hello nice to meet you!

CD, she hates me! She absolutely hates me

Atom, why do you still smell like a case of vodka!?
That was nearly 4 days ago!

Don't tell anyone... but...

Aliens are friendlier drunk! If you know what
I mean CD!
*Winks twice*
I've been trying to impress RealDeal

Umm right... I think you've been doing it wrong...

-Strange foreign noises outside the door-
Did you hear that, I should go get the door

OH DAMN! I forgot! It's those creepy aliens!
Ok RealDeal... In and out, in and out.

Here goes nothing...

Hello! My name is Pollination Technician 9!

-Hi, i'm Johnny and this is Birth Queen 245!
-Nibblenamnuhotpocket!? Gamabamdueatyourface!

Don't mind her, she doesn't speak...
what ever this language is!

*Abruptly slams door*
I hope it's not too late to get that apartment with Firestar!

I absolutely adore you ahah!
Annnd your blog because it's fantasmic!
Lol, you gotta love Atom. :P
Lol, that was funny! Lol, I'd slam the door in their faces in RL too xD
As anyone every realized that Atom's name is under the last blog post on every page :P
Lol, no I didn't notice. xD
Is Atom's dad that alien from TS2? :o
Hmm maybe, maybe not :P
I have thought up the last 2 Eps. already! I can't wait to start shooting and writing them :D
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