"The Unusual Life of Coyadre"
So when will you be moving in?
*Mumbling phone voice*
Why not right now!?

-Hi Coyadre!
-Hey hows it goin!

This is gonna be great!

Ohh! You owe me big time for this one greenie!

Anything you want!

(My Crappy Theme Song Starts Playing)
*It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life!
It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life yea!
He's so normal but his life's so weird
And he has, a super cool beard!
His best friend is an alien
When will this strange life end!
It's Coyadre's life yea
It's Coyadre's life yea

Woah! I gotta pee!

I hope this doesn't turn out like last time!

En camino al baño, la la la!

Chingada! What was that!

Atom damn you! Please don't ruin my carpet this time!

Oh umm.. hey CD! I'm just... you know, washing my hands n stuff!
Nothing inappropriate or disgusting going on in here absolutely not!

You know Atom, i'm having a hard time believing this...

Umm why don't you ever buy that white stuff on that brown circaly thing!
It's very useful if you hadn't noticed!

Well first it's called toilet paper, and I don't have any because you keep
using it all on... what ever it is you call yourself doing in my bathroom...
Forget it, i'm going back to bed you green bastard...

Umm... ok... but I still.. oh never mind i'll just use the carpet again.

Several Hours Later
*Knock knock knock*

I'm coming!

Oh, hello

Ohh goodness!

I didn't realize Mr. Tingle was partaking in these types of activities!

What types of activities...?

Well... you know sweety.

Ohh no! I'm just his roommate.

Hey hey wait a minute! What the f*#% did you just say!?

Umm i'm his roommate...? Is there a problem

Your damn straight there's a problem b*%&#
Who are you just moving in on my, um I mean Mr. Tingle!?

Wait, who are you callin a b*%&#!?

My goddess is in trouble!
I must save her!

I'm coming sweet one!

I'm calling you a b*%&# you man swindling little b*%&#!

I am almost there love!!!

I have come to save you!!!

Who the hell are you!?
Better yet, what the hell are you!?

I am the protector of this beautiful meat-bag human female!
*Fires Gun*

You shot me you green f*@$%^!!!

Oh!!! I'm dying!!!


Ohh my word!!
You Killed her!

She was a threat to us I mean you... She had to be removed.

Some freaky shit goes on around this place...

Ohh i'm not dead YET!!!

Die you wicked b*%@# DIE!!!

*TRD shrieks out*

OMFG what the hell is going on right now!!!!

Why didn't I just get that place with Fire when I had the chance!?

Subject terminated.

I heard some yelling, what's going o...

What the hell!?!?!?
Why is my landlady dead on my porch!?

She was a threat to my goddess

Umm you can stop calling me that anytime...

What the hell is wrong with Atom, like seriously!?

Look CD, i'm sorry! I know you lover her bu..

Honestly, what type of f*ucked up Alien school did you go to
to end up this freakin idiotic!?

Umm I don't disagree with you Coyadre... but I think we should
dispose of the dead chick first, and argue later...

Yea, now where the hell are we supposed to put a damn dead body Atom!?

We can sell her on Craigslist...?


Ok ok... i'll take her to the dump, no one will ever find her there... right?

You know what, do what ever the f*^% you wanna do...
I'm going to make some pancakes.

Umm Coyadre... You aint got no pancake mix...


Well . . .you don't have to pay rent!
(I saw that gun. Why'd it look drawn in?)
"(I saw that gun. Why'd it look drawn in?)"
Cause i'm lazy and didn't want to photoshop one in :P
I love the update! And Atom! xDD He spends so much time in the bathroom overusing his MAAAAN parts you'd think they'd turn blue. ._.
Ohh Fire lol
Who ever said that's what he was doing? Dirty mind much!?
Then what is he doing? Hmmmmm? xD
He's doin... Alien type stuff ;D
Lmao oh my god, this made me crack up. I love Atom ♥
"We can sell her on Craigslist...?"
LOL, that was so funny! :D Atom is just... something else. Haha. :P
Lol. "YOU AIN'T GOT NO PANCAKE MIX!" (Am I the only one who knows what that is...? -_-' )
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