No, not you I like you! You stay for as long as you'd like. I'm talking to this stupid wish that just won't come true! Are you confused?
No need to be! I'm (of course) talking about one of Mitcha's stupid wishes. All his wishes are so stupid... He always wants to chat with someone; ok. I have him call them and chat for a while. After that, no matter WHO it is, he's ready to Woohoo them afterward. After a bloody chat on the phone Mitcha!? You dog!
But yeah, that's not the wish i'm talking about, even though that one is pretty annoying. Mitcha is as some of you guys know, a rock star. But ever since I got bored with doing concerts, signing autographs, and woohooin' (I just added that to my spell check dictionary!) groupies all the time I decided to have him skill build and stuff... You know, stuff that normal sims do!
So he paints now. He has this wish to paint something worth 4,000 simoleans... He has had this same wish for about 5 sim weeks now! I know it's a bit of an exaggeration but work with me here people. And I believe the game is trying to tease me. One of his most recent paintings was worth "3,975"
Yes Mitcha, I agree!
Seriously game? Are you f'in with us!?
I need to go commit some sim murder to show this game who it's messing with.
Goodbye now =D
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1 week ago
Nah I'm joking :)
I'm just wondering, how old is Mitcha? o_o Do you have the lifespan thing set on epic or something? And is he still YA?
He's been on Hotline.
*assumes feminine slutty blonde voice*
The chat where all hot singles connect.
@Phoebe - I play with aging off when I play with Mitcha, so basically I always play with aging off xD
So yea - he's still YA! If you go by my made-up back story he's about 20 or 21.
@ChocolatyChocolate - That made me lol for realz! He's extremely weird and dare I say "passionate"? But *Sigh* That's mah boy xD
Ohhhh I see. How many sim day/weeks have you been playing him?
I believe it's been 24 or 25. Last time I check it was about 22! That's a long long time. But on the other hand I have had him, and that hood for ever!!!!
That is a long time o_o My sims never last that long xD
Well, he kinda just stuck for some reason. At first he was entertaining because he had the lifetime wish to be the boyfriend of x amount of sims. Then I figured he might as well shag the whole town, then he just got more and more interesting and dynamic as a sim. I know I sound crazy right now xP
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