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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not a fan of reading right now...

So I decided to take a moment from my busy schedule of making veggies and rice with a side of biscuits to make a blog post =D

As my title may have already alluded, I am not a fan of reading right now. I just finished a book for AP European History called "Hiroshima" on Sunday night and I literally just finished up my essays I had to do on it (That are due tomorrow) an hour ago. a 300 word essay about whether or not America should have dropped the bomb (Mine is over 400) and 6 200 word essays describing each character (There are six...)

So much fun.

I also have another book I need to read for British Literature. This book was luckily student's choice and I picked a book called "Death at an early age" if you can read English you need to read this book! It's sooo compelling, I think I love it and i'm only on page 60 out of 200+... It's moving.

My wonderful AP European History teacher was nice enough to give us yet another book before we even turned in the essays for the old book (Which will be tomorrow) I have no idea what it's called and don't care to take it out of my bag to find out. It's a bout Germany, war, blah, things that I don't want to read about at the moment... So much fun still? yep.

I haven't played the sims since... well... yesterday... It feel like it's been a while because I usually only play sims when I get home from school. After that I usually clean up and do homework, then go to sleep exhausted. Makes sims seem so tiny in my busy world. I sadly didn't get to play today :( I played Fable 2 instead which is my new favorite Xbox 360 game, that is until I rent the Sims 3 for to see if it's any good.

But of course like I always try to do, here are some pictures of what i've been doing lately with my little Mitchita, That's little Mitcha for all you non-spanish speaking peoplez :P

( I just spilled my veggies with rice and biscuit on me so I just spent the past 10 minutes cleaning with my angry face ]x )

Ok nevermind, f*** it. Blogger and this stupid a$$ new interface is pissing me off right now... maybe another time? How about Thursday!

Gosh that made me upset... i'm gonna go sleep now. I'm easily frustrated... and is it just me or is this interface annoying as h-e-double hockey sticks?


firestar said...

And this is why I wouldn't touch AP classes (or even honors classes) with a 10 ft pole. xD Too much work and I'm too lazy. :P

Coyadre said...

We don't have honors classes at our school, just those good ole APs =D

Oh and to add. My AP Euro teacher gave us an outline to do for the packet that he reads to us everyday (One due every Thursday) A test (One Every Thursday) and a packet with about 9 little stories that we have to makes outlines for, 3 pages long, typed, single spaced... All due Thursday or aka tomorrow! He's soo great isn't he!?

Emily said...

Heck no he isn't. That's the one that deserves an epic senior prank.

Now goodnight, pray my teacher gets picked for jury duty and I'll remember my graphing calculator.

firestar said...

Oh Jesus. I would have dropped that class the first day. xD

Bree said...

Oh my god, AP European History was easily the worst AP class. In my opinion, at least. So damn boring xD I'm a bit jealous you had to do a 300 word essay. I remember having a minimum of 1000 word essays. Blah...

Anyway, good luck!

Coyadre said...

@Chocolate - Nah, he may be one of the greatest teachers of all times (He's hilarious!!!), despite his demanding workloads. You get use to it. He was my AP Psychology teacher last year so i'm well adjusted to his classes. It took ALOT of getting use to

@Fire - 1 boy did lol, another one stayed for about 2 weeks, then he disappeared =P

@Breehehe (I had to do that!) It is very demanding, but I have an 87 :D He tries his best to make all his classes as not boring as possible. I think he does a good job. This is how every class period (Except Thursdays) goes.
-Come into class
-Have 30 minute discussion about news, current events, history, random facts, etc.
-Read from packet for about 30 seconds
-Discussion for about 3 more minutes
-Continue last two steps for an hour.

He's pretty awesome, and hilarious... and old... but still awesome!

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