"The Unusual Life of Coyadre"
Umm Coyadre... We've got a problem to deal with...

yes DealReal!?

You don't look happy, what's the matter?
Are you ok?

No, Atom sad...

Ohh I think I can fix that

*Sexy Music Starts to Play!*

There are freakin mutant creatures outside...
One of which I believe threatened to "eatmyface"
how can you be ok with that?

Oh Really Deally, you just overact so much silly!

Hello my name is Co...

oh good ***** ******* ***** ********* *****
What the HELL!?

Wait, RealDeal has an idea, maybe we should just get Atom
to answer the door, I mean, he is a freaky alien too...
I guess...

Oh hey you guys! What's goin on!?

Wow... isn't that just... cute...

*Screams from around the world inserted here*

Atom, my mother was in that room with you
wasn't she...

Ummm... Nowaitmaybehuhummm... Yes?

You know what Atom... I think you should just
go... This friendship is over...

Ohh my... what have I done?

(My Crappy Theme Song Starts Playing)
*It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life!
It's Coyadre, and his Unusual life yea!
He's so normal but his life's so weird
And he has, a super cool beard!
His best friend is an alien
When will this strange life end!
It's Coyadre's life yea
It's Coyadre's life yea
Atom how could you do this to me!?
You are my best friend!

Look CD, i'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you...

Well how did you expect for me to react to this!
I mean I don't know how your alien emotions work
but you just don't do that here!

Yea... he's kinda right Atom...

*Cries Uncontrollably*
I'm so sorry...
Can you ever forgive me

I can't believe my best friend could do this to me...

Ohh Atom... How could you...

I think you should just go... It's for the best.

I... I just...

*Cries uncontrollably*
No CD! It's just a misunderstanding!

Look Coyadre, maybe you should get
your mother's side of the story, you
know there are always two sides!

I guess you're right...

Stay calm Coyadre, stay calm.

-Mahh, are you descent in there?
-Come here for a second.

How did I get stuck here?

What do you want Dré?

He's trying to make me leave forever and
ever Mama Coyadre!

Mom why is Atom wearing your underwear?

What? Those aren't mine!

And their definitely not MINE!

Then where on Earth did they come from?

I don't know! Atom said he found them.

*Still Crying*
I found them in your stupid, stinky....., stupid room!!!


Wait what!?
I'll get to the bottom of why you were in my
room later, but when?

When you and evil Land Lady were about to do
that thing that you humans do with the thing
and the other thing but I barged in and she was
all like woah and I erased her memory and you were
all like

Ok Atom that's enough that's enough!

Oh.... My..... Word....

-You have a girlfriend and you never told me!?
-We'll talk about it later.

But the question remains... Why did you and Atom do...

What!? Play dress up? You know I love playing
dress up! And Mama Coyadre told she bought
me a new outfit so I didn't have to wear the
same one anymore!


See I told you Coyadre!

I've only been here for a little while but I know
that Atom is an amazing friend and would never
do anything to compromise your friendship, even
is he is a big dope

What do you think we were doing CD!?
That thing you humans do!?
That's a little too complicated if you ask me!
And I thought you were mad because I was
wearing your dead meatbag's old sexypants

Ohh Atom! I would hug you but... You're gross!

Aww come here Atom, i'll hug you for the both of us!

Really RealDeal?

Really you big dope!

..... Ok ok ok Atom watch the hair!

I'm sorry, i'm just so happy I could get naked and cry!

Oh Hell No!!!

-You know... I've been meaning to tell you something...
-Go ahead.

It's just... Ever since I met you that day... I haven't
been able to stop thinking about you and... and...

*Awws from the audience*

You know, for a drunken, murderous, slimy, 7 foot tall alien with
emotional issues, you're pretty awesome.

And... Umm... I want to ask you something else too.

Would you be my goddess? I mean, you don't have to.... but
you know, it'd be like pretty cool... n stuff.... You know!?

How about we start with dating?

Fine by me!

That's mah boy!

Ohh Coyadre!!!! We forgot Atom's family outside!!!!

Ohh yea... Opps.

Come on, i'll introduce you to them!

Ohh I never thought i'd see the day!

that's my boy... and that's my girl!

-Ok, now I know my family isn't as gorgeous as
I am, but Be nice ok, especially to my mom, she's
the worse!
-Ok... i'll try.

-Ohh my flying fuck! Their all naked!
-I know, isn't it great!

"The Unusual Life of Coyadre - Season 1"
Omg.. I'm Atom's gf <33 xD
That was a great ending finale for the first season! Very funny, you had me laughing!
Are you doing another season..? :o
I love this. I hope you continue it.
Hehe thanks you two!
I'm am thinking yes on the season 2
And Fire, you made me lol and do the clap thing with it :P
Lol. :3
Does that mean you slept with the landlady? ._. xD
I'll leave that up to the reader's imagination XP
Hmm.. *ponders*
I'm watching you. *narrows eyes*
Hmm i'm thinking of maybe bringing landlady back
*Evil Muahhaha*
Oh, I know why you want her back. ;)
hmmm I don't understand!?
I'm thinking maybe a zombie landlady!
That would be... interesting.
You and the landlady have something thuper thpecial.
That would be very interesting. :o
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