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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Natalia Ramón Fuentes Perón

Natalia is one of my newer sims I made and never uploaded.
Natalia is a Colombian woman who is a school teacher. She
is fluent in Spanish and Simlish (hehe) and lives in Sunset
Valley away from her family. She is a very sweet person,
but has many fears about the world. She's an interesting character!


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-1st outfit

Hair from - http://anubis360.livejournal.com/9439.html

-2nd outfit
Hair + Scarf - Peggy

-3rd outfit
Underwear - MTS2

-4th + 5th outfits
Hair - Peggy

1 comment:

TRD said...

She's really pretty, Coyadre! Great job. :]

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