Abuelita! Mira, se vino el gringuito
(Grandmother! Look, the white man is here)
Yo adivino que duerme
(I guess she is sleeping)
Umm... Hola? I... I no speako espanol... Do-You-Un-der-stand?
Ayy ehhmm... bueno, como te vas senor?
(Well umm... Okay, how are you sir)
Umm I don't understand you... No ummm. Damn I should've paid more attention in Spanish class!
Ayy quieres bañar!? Vente!
(Ohh you want a bath!? Come!)
Mira! Es viejo pero funciona muy bien no!
(Look! It's old but it works well!)
No that's not what I said! Why the f%#& is this happening to me!?
Bueno, te consigo el agua!
(Okay, i'll get you the water!)
Marianella went to fetch Michael his water and quitely went to sit down where her grandmother had sat only a couple of hours before.
Michael reluctantly bathed in the old tub as Marianella calmly sat near the unlit fireplace that almost burnt down her families hut a few years ago. She dreamed of "El Señor Gringuito" as she waited.
"Umm, Señora?" Michael called out sheepishly, greatly embarrassed to be alone in a small hut, naked, with a woman he had just met as a man who could have been any relation to her, that already hated him, lurked outside.
Ayy Señor, ya estas terminado? Que rápido no?
(Ohh sir, already you are finished? How quick you are)
"Ummmm!" Michael was extremely embarrassed. "Yo needo... um el... ropa?"
"Ayy Senor... la tienes chica no" She was a bit disappointed. "Hay ropa por allá"
(Ohh Sir... You are small aren't you) (There is clothing over there)
She pointed to the clothes line behind the young man.
As Michael got dressed Marianella walked toward the bed in the hut to check on her granmother.
As Michael finished getting dress Marianella began to scream and shouted "Ricardo!! Vente por aca ahora mismo!" (Ricardo!! Come here right now!) with pain in her voice.
"What now you stupid B&*#@" Michael was high frustrated with the language barrier at this point.
"Maria!" Said Ricardo with a firm tone
By the time Ricardo arrived Michael was standing next to Marianella! He was more interested in her pain than accusing or threatening Michael.
Ayy Ricky!!! Abuelita esta muerta...
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