Hello followers! I just wanted to make a quick blog post saying that I plan to do a full revival of my blog and the things I do here. If you hadn't noticed, I seldom update and don't always have the time to respond to comments like I use to. Well that's ending!
I am going to continue uploading sims as i've been doing here and there but I also plan on continuing some stories of mine. Mainly David: The Homeless Simmy and The Unusual Life of Coyadre. They're continuation of older stories that I had a lot of fun doing! I decided not to continue my other stories (that some have been asking about) because they either took too much CC or too much time. And plus, I want to do stories I have fun with and don't look at as chores. So bare with me, more sims, stories, pictures, and etc coming soon!
Casanova Expanded - Unofficial Kit addon with 14 edits and 4 New items
The latest kits are a cool concept; basing the theme on an iconic
character. However, splitting the budget between CAS and BB items leaves BB
lacking (C...
6 days ago
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