So I was enjoying my afternoon earlier with my family.
My cousins were on their way out the door when they
saw a dog outside near my dog.
We've had incidents like this before with other dogs, but
this was no ordinary dog. This was a huge, full grown, aggressive,
Pitt bull. I know not all of them are like that, my cousin has one
on the other side of the yard that is sweet as can be. She and my dog
get on well to be exact. But this was no friendly dog.
He was literally attacking my dog Rústico, a 4 month old Basset hound mixed
with a Miniature lab. So from that you already know he is tiny, and low
to the ground. I mean, that's like Yao Ming v.s. a 6 year old! And the only reason why
I leave him out and not in his cage is because it is terribly hot!
But anyway, my little baby was being mauled by this huge animal while it's
owner, a boy about 14 years old stood watching, in shock while my family
did everything to stop it. Although I do understand. He was little and that
dog was huge, we think he was afraid of it, and he did apologize.
But I had to be the one to take action... I literally had to put the dog in a hold and
carry him away from my puppy, being bit in the process. But at least the owner
had time to get it under control and take it away. My little Rústy was shaken sooo bad, I think I scared him when I went to check on him. After I calmed him down I tried to spray him down to see if he had any deep cuts when all of a sudden... That damn dog had returned again!
I already had taken care of it before, so I was ready to do it again if I had to.
Lucky I didn't. I scooped my little doggy up and fended the dog off as long as I could until my
grandmother unhooked the chain and I could get him to the house.
We had to call the police, animal control, the whole 9 yards because I was bit.
All for trying to take care of my boy! Now we have to take him to the vet and
get him taken care of, but other than that he is fine and is back to normal.
My cousin's dog was sooo upset about it! She and Rústy are buddies I guess
so she was upset to see that dog hurting him! You know, until tonight, I never realized how much I love that little dog. It sounds cheesy, but it's true. I always talk about how he annoys me but
I was hell-bent on protecting him, no matter what it took!
That's why I haven't updated my blog today :P
Casanova Expanded - Unofficial Kit addon with 14 edits and 4 New items
The latest kits are a cool concept; basing the theme on an iconic
character. However, splitting the budget between CAS and BB items leaves BB
lacking (C...
6 days ago
That's awful... I'm just glad that your dog is okay.
That is soo horrible Coy, and I find it really sweet that you did as much as you could for that dog. Dogs are mans bestfriend and its true.
This is Kami i was too lazy to sign in :P
Thanks you 2. I've been worried about him ever since even though the other dog was taken away.
I love that darn little mutt XD
I hate it when people get animals they can't control. They don't treat them properly. They bite someone/something and they have to get put down. It makes me sick.
I think what you did was really brave Coyadre. Facing up to a pitbull to save your dog. I probably would have done the same but I just get really scared when I see animals fighting. When dogs had this time where they use to fight with each other (it's over now thank god) but it scared me shitless. You would have to pull them apart, and I would shake the whole time.
But anyway, I'm just glad your dog is okay, as I was reading I thought it would have died :( But it didn't so, it's all good I guess.
I meant to say When my dogs, not when dogs. oops :P
Awww, poor little doggie, but at least he's okay. I would have done the same for my doggies, I love my doggies (: even though my dogs are like... big :P
And that was really brave of you to protect him (:I bet thaqt little pup is going to be grateful for a long time :P
Awwwwwwww! :'(
I love my puppy more than anything. She's the only family member I'd cry over when she goes to doggy heaven.
And she's probably around the same size as you doggy. Also chubby. We call her "fluffy". So I can relate.
Hope they're okay now.
True. I got a hissy fit because smosh went on 5th most subscribed.
*glomps Coyadre*
I'm happy he turned out okay. :)
Thanks everyone :')
I've been playing with him all day cuz I still feel so bad for him!!
[color=#000000]Awesome post! thank you for sharing this information. really got under my
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