But I wanted to ask this question. Does anyone else have that one sim?
That one sim that you've had for ages
That one sim that you love unconditionally
That one sim that you never ever want to get rid of
Well that one sim is Mitcha for me!
Mitcha is a sim I have had for as long as I can remember.
He was maybe the 4th sim I ever made with this game!
The original one is... hideous!
I thought he looked cool back in the day :P
He went through a lot of changes in his little sim life.
I had uploaded another version of him with blonde hair too!
Again, still had my sim making training wheels on :P
I thought he was a cool sim back then lol!
He was a favorite of mine, I knew there was something special about this sim.
He was zany and wild, it made for an interesting sim playing experience!
I remember for a while I had stopped playing with him.
But one day I decided to pick him back up
I had started using mods like Awesomemod that allowed you to go back
into CAS when I came up with this make-over
He was back on the playing circuit! I also remember I had made him a red-head for his original make-over! Sadly I deleted the pics from my screenies folder... I wish I still had them ;P
Anyway, I did go back and forth between blonde and brown, I ultimately stuck with brown. Blonde hair made him look... weird.
You may also notice his eyes became a lighter blue, the dark blue was a bit to blue for me.
He also went back and forth between skin tones.
Back before the non-default skins I had a tough time choosing a skin to stick with... So I would alternate every few weeks. I know, i'm crazy!
Here he is with the Asian Skintone
But here he has Peggy Skin (His hand looked so weird to me)
Then I started using the Subaxi skin, which I still use with him
I even experimented with his and facial hair
He doesn't have it anymore :'(
I constantly changed little things about him like his cheekbones and his hair
Even though you would probably never notice
Somewhere along the road I went back to the Asian skin as a default
I didn't like it one him... That's why I ultimately decided to use non-default skins!
This picture is basically irrelevant lol
I just think his eyes are funny looking
I guess I had decided to try the facial hair thing again on him.
Makes him look older, guess I didn't like it considering it's been taken off :P
I know by now you all think I have serious problems
But I went back to the Asian skin and gave him EA hair O.o
I don't know why I though that was a good idea when I got the new EP
This is irrelevent too, I just think he does the
weirdest most hilarious sim things ever xD
And this is the most recent pic of him, from yesterday actually!
So there you have it, the immortal Mitcha Moore
Coyadre's favorite sim he has ever made!
So the question still remains...
Do you guys have any sims that you have had for ages that you just can't let go of!?
Let know in the comments :D
Thanks you and goodbye until next time :P
I have one, Raven De Head. He's a character from a book that I really enjoyed, and he was the first sim I ever made. Ever. I love him.
I've been meaning to make over some old sims.
Hmmm. . .desicions desicions.
I say go for it Chocolate :P
I was gonna do that today, but I never got around to it.
Yeah Tyler Sparks And Twin Brother Travis!
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