I spent these past few days playing my little simmies and taking lots and lots and LOTS of pictures.
Are you ready for all the awesomeness that went down in my game!? I don't think you are!!
These are all in order from when they were taken just so you know!
I played with Mitcha a lot
He got a simbot (That rhymed!)
But then with my super powers, I made him look like a regular sim!
Then he died
And came back to life!
Then I made him blonde.
I don't think he liked it xD
Then I played with Trevontay for a while,
he was making Epic faces and what not.
I think Simmybot has a thing for him :O
Then I made two sims (brothers) Cody (Smaller) and Brody (bigger) I believe, I ALWAYS forget my sims names.
Does anyone else do that!?
They were at the pool fishing and Malcolm was getting all Jesus like and stuff!
Then I took random pics of them looking really evil :O
Then I was in the Asian sim making mood!
I don't remember her name at all, but his name is Joey.
She is a female version of him I made for fun.
I have been having fun with Joey :P
I have him dating Zelda Mae
She is very pretty imo!
Then I made this sim, Tyler, there is something
about him.
This is Nakashimi or some other terrible yet
similar sounding Japanese name I randomly made up.
He is amusing.
(random picture of Cody)
(That is his sister/guardian in the background)
Then earlier today, I went back to playing with Joey
(random picture of Cycl0ne)
(Random picture of nameless sim I made)
Yes... I have been having fun with mah Simmehz :D
Dear god good, I was getting worried. Car wreck at worst. Oh you're are SO lucky I didn't send out the search party yet.
hehe I was wondering if people thought I died or something :P
ok, enuff of this sexyness..
I demand that you tell me which skin you use this insant! >:(
welcome back! ^_^
It's by Subaxi :P
Well when we talk daily and you just up and disapear yeah I'm gonna wonder if you met the grim reaper for the last time!
Well I iz sorry :O
But i'm back... to stay hopefully!
Cool pictures, looks like you were having a good time.
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