continue it sooner or later. I hope everyone has enjoyed it and
I hope everyone enjoys the finale tonight, or when ever you get
a chance to read it!
I'm so happy i've had such a great fan base, thank you to all the
people who commented and enjoyed the story, I appreciate it :)
I know, we shall all miss Atom though, let's post some of his best
moments shall we!?
The applicants for the roomate position were supposed to come
today... no one showed up...
You mean all these random meat bags standing in your front yard?
I thought they were lawn ornaments or something
Pick her CD Pick HER!
Were you in my bathroom all night last night!?
I've told you a million times! I'm an alien, we have needs.
*Loud bangs on the door*
That must be her! I'm so nervous!
You should be because if it's not my goddess i'm gonna have to snap
your neck!
Atom damn you! Please don't ruin my carpet this time!
Oh umm.. hey CD! I'm just... you know, washing my hands n stuff!
Nothing inappropriate or disgusting going on in here absolutely not!
You know Atom, i'm having a hard time believing this...
Umm why don't you ever buy that white stuff on that brown circaly thing!
It's very useful if you hadn't noticed!
Well first it's called toilet paper, and I don't have any because you keep
using it all on... what ever it is you call yourself doing in my bathroom...
Forget it, i'm going back to bed you green bastard...
Umm... ok... but I still.. oh never mind i'll just use the carpet again.
Die you wicked b*%@# DIE!!!
*TRD shrieks out*
OMFG what the hell is going on right now!!!!
Why didn't I just get that place with Fire when I had the chance!?
Subject terminated.
Yea, now where the hell are we supposed to put a damn dead body Atom!?
We can sell her on Craigslist...?
She's so amazing, I think I love her CD!
Were gonna get married and have babies someday!
I would be so devastated if she left
But if she left i'd kill you, and that always makes me feel better!
Atom... Just admit that after you dumped the body you had a couple
of drinks on your way in... It's a bit obvious friend... You're drunk.
Naaaaa! Naaa I am Naaah! I'm just... i'm just...
You're just a little bit too intoxicated is what you are.
ihh... ihh you say saaah....
Up... wait... I dihh that uhh purpose
I'm so happy I could just get naked and cry!
-I have an ice cream cone
-Ouuuh can I take it for a walk!?!?!
Uhh,... yea! I got em just for you girl!
This shall be most entertaining!
Hello, would you happen to have any
You breka you bi bich!
Got love a green black eyed alien with a abstractly
colorfully dotted shirt that is 7 feet tall!
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