Yay me =)
I went to hell back looking for one of my favorite games of all times...
I couldn't find it
But i'm ordering it from Amazon :)
But anyway where I stay in the U.S. is a little country town
in Southeastern Maryland, a place called Berlin.
So let me fill you in on my stupidly disappointing day here!
I went to a little place called Ocean Pines with my mother where all the old
rich (white) people live so she could go to the doctor
They thinks she's preggers :S
Not ready for a sibling...
Next we went to get her something from McDonald's
But the drive through was full and she didn't want to go in...
*lol I was laughing at the people in the drive through and this
guy gave me this evil look XD*
Then she had to go get blood work done
But the place was closed...
Then we went home to see if my aunt wanted to go to this city
near by called West Ocean City, but she had to go to the hospital (nothing too serious.)
We went there in search of the game, but they didn't have it (oh it gets worse)
But before it got worse it got a little better!
My Mexican friend has this store (I can't remember the name)
But they sell all types of foods, drinks, clothing, musics from
Central and South America along with the Caribbean!
I got the bestest stuff evarz!
First, were the Takis!
They're hot and twangy at the same time XD
Then I got Mango Juice, Jarritos Mango to be exact
It's like soda almost... but it's like juice too!
And later I had some Sangria!
It's very... alcoholy tasting XD
I love that stuff to death!!!
That was like the highlight of my day, then things got worse
We went to go see her, but she had already left...
So we decided to go to a place about 30 minutes away called Fruitland to find my game!
I drove for 30 FUCKING (excuse me language) minutes for nothing!!!
We went to the game store there, no luck...
So we decided to go to it's neighboring city Salisbury (I forgot to mention my mother yelling at me accusing me of reckless driving every 2 minutes and all the stupid traffic too!)
We looked in 2 stores over there... STILL NO GAME!!!
At this point I was mad, dissapointed, upset, all the above...
Then on top of that my feet were killing me from driving all
day with nothing to show for! Nothing but a worthless half
eaten bag of Takis :(
I can't even order the game until tomorrow and with this holiday...
I might not get it for weeks XO
My hellasious simless day...
But I did see the Sims 3 just laying around in one of the game stores,
unloved and unappreciated XD
Wait... why am I smiling :S
You went out into the world. . .america to be precise. . .saying you got a life. . .but you were really searching everywhere for a game to play on your computer.
Doesn't that contradict itself. . .just a little?
Congrats on your sibling. And it's not like they'll be a burden for very long. 1 or 2 years then college? And they'll give you a chance to get used to little kids and parenting.
I need you for a guide if I ever go to anywhere in the Carribean huh?
:) Smile. You have the sims. You have happiness.
Your mom is pregnant! SQUEE! Babies are sooooo cute! Don't worry, they don't start to be a real pain until they're four or five, and you'll be used to them by then ;) But that's so exciting!!!
Anyway, poor Coyadre, sounds like a bad day :/
It was actually a game for my xbox :P
But yea, they don't know for sure yet though... I'm kinda on the fence!
I'm an only child AND the youngest grandchild... Don't want to loss my title XD
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