So this season of "The Unusual Life of Coyadre" is half way over, so I figured i'd give you guys some fun-facts about each episode of the half-season! I hope you enjoy :D
Ep. 1
- This episode was not scripted at all, I simply went with the flow
- The land lady is actually a premade sim from CAS
- I do really like cereal
- I own the outfit my simself is wearing in the episode irl!
- The child and mother along with the red-dressed woman were just random sim who happened to be there and fit the story.
- Atom was supposed to be the original roomie.
Ep. 2
- Atom is a sim I made a long time ago, not for the story persay
- Atom is the first and only alien sim I ever made with The Sims 3
- Many of the roomie contestants were made members of the household
- I threw a party, inviting all the roomie contestants who weren't members of the family already
- There were several sims I didn't get to interview during the party so I had to invite the remaining sims over the next day
- It was night time when I threw the contestant party
- I used the reasons everyone gave me on my blog and on the forum as their reasons in the story for being a good roomie
- Atom and RD started talking without my input at all
- Doing the interviews for everyone was extremely strenuous for me
- A lot of you guys wouldn't leave after I asked you all to
- At the end of the episode I still didn't have a definite winner
Ep. 3
- Ep. 3 was the first episode that I started the "last time on..." thing and featured my theme song
- I didn't put Atom in the bathroom, he had been in there chatting with Chocolate the day before
- There is spoiled food in the background of several pictures
- I didn't choose TRD because of the Atom thing, although I was going to keep her around if I decided to pick someone else (For Atom's sake!)
- I changed TRD's hair to match that of the version she had made.
- A large number of the simself contestants are dying in the backyard
Ep. 4
- The beginning scene where it was night time wasn't supposed to happen, but since it was night and I didn't feel like waiting for morning, I added it.
- I changed Atom's underwear purposely to have stars, planets, and spacecrafts on them, to match both the fact that he is an alien and his corky personality
- (As chocolate pointed out) The gun was drawn in!
- The blood was made in photobucket
- The landlady wasn't dead, she was just "pretend fainting" (But she's supposed to be dead in the story lol!)
- The mailboy was not meant to be a part of the story, his expression just fit with the situation
- The two pictures of Atom with the gun are the same picture. (I was feeling lazy)
- The two pictures where TRD says
"Umm I don't disagree with you Coyadre... but I think we should
dispose of the dead chick first, and argue later..." and "*Sighs*" are the same picture
- Firestar's simself was standing at the other end of the porch for the entire scene
- Firestar's simself also peed on herself while she was standing there (Sorry Fire :P)
- The end quote where TRD says "Umm Coyadre... You aint got no pancake mix..." is from a popular youtube video called "You aint got no pancake mix"
I hope you all enjoy those random fun facts! Ep 5 is out, I just didn't include it because
*Spoiler Alert, Spoiler Alert*
there will be 8 total episodes and it will fall in with 5-8
Anyway, goodbye to all until next time ;D
Casanova Expanded - Unofficial Kit addon with 14 edits and 4 New items
The latest kits are a cool concept; basing the theme on an iconic
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6 days ago
Bathroom. Atom''s diabolical boom boom remember.
I just spit out my drink after typing that.
Ohh I get what you're saying now
You guys were just chattin it up in there!
I thought I noticed some duplicates of pictures... :P
Well the one's with you I messed up a bit, so I just decided to use the same picture twice instead of re-uploading the one I messed up.
I'm lazy like that 8D
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