This is not a post to rub anything in anyone's face. I'm too nice for that
But DAMN!?
I have been a forum goer (On for a while now. I long while to be exact. I think since maybe June or July of last year and I have never even been threatened with a perma-ban or even a regular ban. Carajo, I haven't even been warned!
Then I see all these nice cool people who are always getting banned and stuff
and I think...
Am I that much of a saint? I guess so :S
I mean, I don't deliberately try to get banned but
I in no way am a loyal EA rule follower...
I don't want to jinx myself now. It was just something
I thought it was interesting enough to share with my little
sim friends and followers!
I hope I haven't jinxed myself, I will kill if I am perma-banned
Watch your back EA...
Casanova Expanded - Unofficial Kit addon with 14 edits and 4 New items
The latest kits are a cool concept; basing the theme on an iconic
character. However, splitting the budget between CAS and BB items leaves BB
lacking (C...
6 days ago
You'd thing I would've gotten at least 24 hours?
Hopefully you haven't jinxed yourself, but if you do get perma'd, please don't kill me D:
Lol i'll make sure I kill the gurus first!
But I haven't registered HELS or Ambition so I would be back eventually :D
And Chocolate/Westie/Emily *lol*
I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet! But Lets not jinx that either XD
Jesus Christ, Coyadre you scared the shit outta me with the "Maldito Sea" title. I thought you got banned! My mom says that all the time so I was like "NO NO NO NO". xDD
Ohh i'm sorry Fire XD
Even if I was... I'd most likely return!
I like saying Maldito sea XD
Lisa would be sad if Coyadre was banned :'[
Yeah. . .I need to settle on a name don't I? What is that now 8?9?
I think for fun, just maybe with the next Expansion pack, I'll force myself to be banned. Then come back from the grave that very same day.
Too extreme? ;)
Lol what ever gets you goin :P
I have a lot of posts so I would be kinda pissed if I were banned X(
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