requested I show her some of my artworks.
I don't think i'm that great of an artist at all actually.
I just really appreciate art and I like to draw n stuff xD
So just for Chocolaty Chocolate, here are some of my artworks!
First off, this is probably my fav. This is Mama Coyadre
She wanted me to draw her for mothers day, so here
she is. That glare is there because it's in a frame XS
This is an unfinished picture of Rhianna.
I was bored so I figured why not. But
i'm also lazy so I figured why finish it lol!
I like this one 2. It was a project for art class.
It was actually in a couple of art shows!
It's a mixture of a Coqui from and a Boricua flag.
I was showin off my Puerto Rican pride here xD
This is another unfinished one. It's Shakira.
Her hair was so ridiculous, I was just like F*** it!
This is the blueprint for another project
I did for art class.
This is the real thing. It was also
in it's fair share of ar tshows.
There is a lot of meaning behind it's
abstractness, i'm just too lazy to
explain it for the millionth time :P
This was random art homework.
This is VV Brown, I absolutely hate this one...
This was a project from art 1, nearly
3 years ago :P
It has an ugly crease in it because
I was stupid and folded it
*Take Face, Insert Palm*
So, yea... That's about it!
I don't want to say I hate my artwork,
but i'm a perfectionist, so i'll probably
never be able to make something and
absolutely love it...
Are you satisfied now Chocolate!?!?!
But anyway, do any of you draw/do art?
Pics are welcome, although you'd probably make me jealous :P
Goodbye for now and until next time :D
Yes I am. And you are excellent at art. Your portraits are great. I don't know many people who can get past a stick figure. Besides proportions, you art would be fine. Like your shading too ;)
Yea, I do have a problem with proportion a lot of the time.
Curse my stupid left-hand!!!
Another Blog double post fail :P
OMG I'm left handed too! ^_^
We are totally twins xD
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