I was CC shopping and I found this... this... what ever you wanna call that...

My first question is... What the FUCK is this even supposed to be?
Like honestly? How drunk do you have to be to style your hair like
that and think it looks good? How drunk do you have to be to make
that style and think it looks good? I'm no CC creator but come on now
Ohh and then for good measures there's a damn tacky ass flower on
some of these fucked up... ponytails?
The hair was big and stupid enough without that!
Honestly, I liked Newsea back in the day, but it's going down, just like
Peggy and her monstrous hairs she's been pumping out...
I haven't downloaded either one of their newer hairs in a while
because of things like that up there! ^^^
Personally I'm starting to like Raon and XM for their more "normal" styles .
If only they were hair making factories like those two
dare I say "Bum Nuggets" Peggy and Newsea
Oh wow. I think they might be running out of ideas...
I still can't figure it out...
Seriously is that a ponytail!?
Does it qualify?
No, I would say it is more of a clusterfuck of stray hair and some sort of side bun. I can't say that I care for it. =P
At first I thought yout were going to say you liked it. I was all prepared to make a arguing comment. But we're on the same side, so it's all good. :D
Omg you though I would've liked *that*
I'm offended *puts up hand and turns head*
Jk :P
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