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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sims 3 Pets!

Hello, i've been on a bit of a sim hiatus due to work and what not but I had to take time out to go buy The Sims 3 Pets, back my game and stuff up, install it, replace and remove necessary mods, and then actually play the game. 

So far so good I guess. I'm not having any noticeable problems or glitches and the animals add a nice touch of companionship for my sims.

Here are a couple screenshots i've taken!
My sim Jesse riding his horse Aberdeen.

Still in the training process though

And his dog Cotter

And last but not least Carpatha
 I wish I had more but I haven't had much time to play yet. Happy pet simming everyone :D


Sackgirl said...

Is'nt it just the best. I love it. Love the pics and your horse is so cute. I really like the new town. Like you, i haven't had much time to explore. I am going to do that this weekend. Just clearing out stuff to make my game run quicker.

ciara said...

Sorry for the comment bombing but the snake just reminded me of harry potter ! What a great name for a snake!
It's been a long time since I've been on your blog so long time no see :D

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